I am a member of a group of Aztec dancers called Danzantes de Aztlan. We practice every Monday and Wednesday at 6:30 and perform at schools and parties and fiestas, etc. Danzantes gets thier dances based on the original dances performed by the ancient Aztecs of Mexico over 500 years ago. The music of the Aztecs is played with many different types of instruments. The main beat of the dances is played with a large drum called a huehuetl (we wet). There are other drums as well; another commonly used drum called a teponaztli (te po nats tlee). There are also flutes called tlapitzalli (tla peet sal lee), and there is also the blowing of the conch shell. These are the most common of the instruments used in today's Aztec dancing.
The dancers dress up in full costumes with rattles around the shins called Chachayotls. The most common costumes for the men consist of a chest piece, a loin cloth, wrist bands, and a headdress or copilli (co peel lee). The women usually wear skirts and a copilli.
The dances are more for religious ceremonial purpose. Before every dance the danzantes dance what's called a cross. It is a way of asking for permission and a blessing before we dance. The cross is directed towards the gods of the sun, earth, sky, and water. Only after we have permission can we dance.